We believe true partnership between parents/guardians and teachers/administrators is vital to student success and it is our privilege to share this responsibility with you. We commit to doing our best to help your child advance academically, behaviorally and socially, and we ask you to commit to:
- Work with your child at home, especially in areas where repetitive practice will be helpful, such as math drills and reading aloud.
- Ensure your child comes to school every day, on-time, well-rested, well-fed and prepared to be alert and productive
- Notify the school office if your child will be late or absent, and provide a written excuse and/or doctor’s note if one is needed
- Let us know about changes at home that may affect your child’s performance in school.
- Schedule meetings or conferences with teachers and/or administrators and participate in scheduled parent-teacher events to talk about your child’s progress
- Attend school plays, concerts and other events to show support
- Follow the policies in the school handbook
- Maintain an awareness of the school calendar and schedule
- Let us know of any changes in your child’s transportation arrangements; i.e., if they will be dropped off or picked up by a different family member
- Pre-order or provide your child’s lunch
- Ensure information such as address, phone number and email are current and correct
- Fulfill all financial obligations as agreed
Thank you for entrusting your child to us and for working as partners in your child’s growth and achievement.